Destiantion path is too long

mardi 27 janvier 2015

I am using the recovering option of "recovering folder" in trying to recover large amount of files/folders to a created c;\r directory. In the end, there are about 8000 files could not be recovered due to the same reason: "Destination path is too long". Here is what I found: Under c:\r directory, RECUVA software added two sub-directories on it's own, and the whole directory then becomes the following c:\r\$RECYCLE.BIN\S-1-5-21-1580082977-3013210137-4195539877-1000\... So, obviously, these two added directories by RECUVA caused the destination path too long. Are there anyways to short or remove these two added sub-directories, and then I can recover these 8000 files? Thanks in advance for your help!

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