décision pour une éolienne

lundi 31 mars 2014

Version française en dessous.



The ecological problems caused by electricity production are not new

(nuclear powerplants that yield radioactive waste, carbon powerplants

producing CO2 in the atmosphere) and the electrical consumption due to

IT technologies keeping going up, even though hardware consumption keeps

improving to keep it low.

From this stand, TuxFamily team has decided to take the bull by the horn

and produce their own server electrical requirements thanks to one or

several wind turbines. As a first step, only secondary services (DNS,

MX) will be powered this way; if this test-phase is conclusive, the

whole infrastructrure may benefit from this new power source.

Of course, there may be tradeoffs, days without wind will lead us to

reduce traffic to reduce server load. In this case, an unbiased

filtering would occur, like the one applied to cars in case of heavy

pollution: even-IPs could connect even-days and odd-IPs could connect


The TuxFamily.org team



Les problèmes écologiques engendrés par la production d'électricité ne

sont pas nouveaux (centrales nucléaires qui produisent des déchets

radioactifs, centrales au charbon qui rejettent du C02 dans

l'atmosphère) et la consommation électrique liée aux technologies de

l'information ne cesse de croître, malgré les améliorations apportées

pour réduire la consommation des machines.

Partant de ce constat, l'équipe de TuxFamily a décidé de prendre le

taureau par les cornes et de produire l'électricité que ses serveurs

consomment grâce à une ou plusieurs éoliennes. Dans un premier temps,

seuls les services secondaires (DNS, MX) seront alimentés ainsi ; si

cette phase de test se révèle concluante, l'ensemble de l'infrastructure

pourrait bénéficier de cette nouvelle source d'alimentation.

Évidemment, il pourrait y avoir de nouvelles contraintes, les jours sans

vent nous obligeraient à réduire le traffic pour diminuer la charge

serveur. Dans ce cas, un filtrage équitable serait mis en place, à

l'instar de celui utilisé pour les voitures en cas de forte pollution :

les IP paires seront autorisées à se connecter les jours pairs et les IP

impaires seront autorisées à se connecter les jours impairs.

L'équipe de TuxFamily.org

Et si on s'amusait avec les nombres entiers !

Coucou tout le monde,

Un p'tit problème de math !

Imaginons que nous comptions les occurences de chaque nombre, de 0 à 999.

Le 0 appraraît xfois , le 1 xfois, le 2 xfois, etc, jusqu'au 9 ? Apparaissent-ils tous autant de fois ? smile

Dernière modification par Hypathie (Aujourd'hui 20:36:19)

[Résolu] Injection de texte prédéfini par touche


Les commandes indiquées par captnfab sont efficaces et répondent bien au besoin émis. Cela dit, par défaut, le déclencheur est la molette de la souris, et les pages du manuel de xclip n'étant pas en français, je ne me suis pas encore donné le temps de trouver les bonnes manipulations pour l'affectation des touches clavier. Quant à la solution proposée par Marie-Lou, la description répond également au besoin, mais je ne suis pas parvenu à invoquer l'interface graphique du paquet autokey-common.

Ayant tous les éléments en main, je bascule en résolu mais reviendrait poster plus de détails pour les autres noobs de mon genre big_smile


Après 15 ans de perdition dans la sphère Microsoft, j'ai rejoint la mère patrie du libre pour renouer avec le plaisir de l'informatique.

L'heure d'été ; pourquoi ?


Je sais que l'argument principal est au niveau de l'économie d'énergie, mais est-ce si efficace que cela ?

Car la note à payer sur la gêne occasionnée doit se justifier. Même les animaux d'élevage ou domestiques en subissent des conséquences non négligeables.

D'ailleurs, ces dernières années l'argument sur le coût énergétique est controversé.

Le second argument, serait pour le tourisme, l'été sur les terrasses de café et autres loisir…

Là aussi, est-ce vraiment si rentable que ça ?

Dernière modification par david96 (Aujourd'hui 13:01:30)

Amis chasseurs, avec le couteau suisse Debian, aucun sanglier ne vous résistera :


♫ Avec ma tête de sanglier… ♪

Wiki - aptitude - Un ajout pour le tuto aptitude

Oué, sauf que je trouve qu'aptitude est trop souple avec la résolution des dépendances pour appliquer l'installation/MAJ que tu demandes.. chose que ne fait pas apt-get...

aptitude dispose d'une pseudo interface (ça pratique par contre), apt-get non.

Je trouve aussi (avis perso) la gestion des paquet mis en hold nettement meilleur via apt-get.

Après celà reste une question de choix/goût.. Mais de là à dire que l'un est meilleur que l'autre, je ne m'y risquerais pas. L'un est plus récent, d'où le 'favoritisme' de mon propre avis smile


Dernière modification par zodar (27-11-2010 20:52:53)

Vos réalisations de fonds d'écrans.

dimanche 30 mars 2014

Bonjour à tous,

Un petit fond perso fait avec Blender :


L'ultime question ... l'intelligence a besoin de la bêtise pour s'affirmer, la beauté a besoin de la laideur pour resplendir, le courage nait dans la peur, les forts impressionnent au millieu des faibles, mais au final,... qui a donc besoin d'autant de connards ?

Vos screenshots!!

wiki - pinning

[unable to retrieve full-text content]smile

ssh et clés


J'ai un souci de connexion aux serveurs ssh à l'aide de clés (RSA ou DSA, avec ou sans passphrase, même combat smile ) à partir d'un de mon PC portable (Debian-Wheezy XFCE migré depuis LMDE il y a un an).

J'ai beau appliqué la méthode du Wiki (génération de la clé, copie sur le serveur grâce à ssh-copy-id -i), rien à faire.

De mon poste fixe (Wheezy+gnome3), pas de problème avec cette même méthode. Je ne vois pas de différences de configuration entre les 2 postes (~/.ssh/config, /etc/ssh/ssh_config)

J'en conclu qu'il doit me manquer quelque chose sur le portable pour que ça fonctionne mais quoi ?



La seule question bête, c'est celle qu'on ne pose pas.

Discussion sur "Intelligence animale"

@smolski: Tu ne pourras jamais, même avec l'empathie la plus forte, sortir de ton référentiel humain.

Et même avec la meilleurs volonté et les plus grandes précautions sur le plan méthodologique.

Tu es humain (je crois) et c'est tout : ton référentiel est humain.

Amy : Pourquoi avez-vous fait cela ?

Le Docteur : Je l'ignore, je réfléchis beaucoup et je n'arrive pas à me suivre.

Intelligence animale


En fac de biologie, ma fille a besoin de faire un sondage qui sera mis en forme dans un tableur.

Aussi je demande votre aide.

La question est:

Pensez vous que les animaux font preuve d'intelligence?

La réponse doit être un simple:



Sans avis

Et habitez vous à la campagne ou en ville?

Merci d'avance. smile

Une fleur, c'est magique non? smile

[forum] Changement d'heure

Bonjour à tous, et en particulier à tous ceux ayant dormis une heure de moins cette nuit.

Comme pour la pendule de grand-mère, il faut adapter votre profil sur le forum à la main.

Vous cliquez donc sur «Profil», et dans l'onglet «Principal» (par défaut), section «Définissez vos options géographiques», vous laissez le fuseau en UTC+01:00 (comme il devait être), mais vous cochez «Ajustement pour l'heure d'été : cochez cette case si nécessaire pour que les forums affichent correctement l'heure.» qui devait être décoché.

Et hop, un dernier clic sur Valider et le fofo sera de nouveau à l'heure smile

Problème accès dépôts via Synaptic


J'ai un problème avec Synaptic, voilà le message que j'ai quand je fais "Configuration --> Dépôt"

J'ai cette erreur :


Bien entendu j'ai essayé de recharger mes dépôts comme demandé et fais aussi

Cela ne change rien.

Sinon voici mon source liste actuel via

nano /etc/apt/sources.list

A noter quand je fais "apt-get update" via un terminal aucun soucis.

A prendre en compte que j'ai pas mal bidouillé mon système selon ce fil : http://ift.tt/1mizqvN

J'ai une Stable auquel j'ai rajouter des dépôt Sid, Jessie et même des snapshot.

A près si ce n'est pas possible de réparer Synaptic pas grave je vais faire sans doute réinstaller mon système, mais si on trouve la réponse à ce problème ça pourra aider peut-être d'autres personnes...

smile Slyfox

Dernière modification par Slyfox (Aujourd'hui 09:02:14)

pb de son sur le logiciel Scratch

samedi 29 mars 2014

Bonjour ,

Je n'arrive pas à utiliser les fonctions audio sur le logiciel d'apprentissage de la programmation Scratch. J'ai installé le paquet scratch_1.4.0.6~dfsg1-5_all.deb et tout fonctionne nickel sauf les fonctionnalité audio. dès que j'essaie de lire du son avec le logiciel, il plante et la fenêtre se ferme automatiquement. Quelqu'un saurait il comment je pourrais résoudre ce problème ?

Thanks smile

canon pixma MX450

[AG 2014] Clôture et résultats des votes

Bonjour à tous,

Le dépouillement m'a pris un peu plus de temps que prévu, voici les

résultats (vérifiables par chacun) :

1) Rapport moral : validé

2) Bilan financier : validé

3) Vérification d'identité : continuer comme on fait là

4) Boutique DF : prendre contact avec Debian-France et mettre chercher

un partenaire pour mettre en place une boutique avec des valeurs

éthiques différentes : proximité / développement durable / bio / etc.

5) Utilisation du résultat 2013 : Distribuer 70% répartis comme suit :

D-France (1/2), TFamily (1/2)

6) Modalité de l'AG 2015 : comme l'AG 2014

7) Tarifs 2014: Normal 12€ et réduit 6€

Pour les détails du vote, voir fichier joint.

Martinux: tu pourras nous donner le nombre de présents? Comme ça, cela

nous donnera automatiquement le nombre d'abstentions

Je vous envoie un mail très bientôt pour l'AG extraordinaire, le vote

des statuts et le vote du CA

Merci de votre participation,



[WIKI]MATE l'environnement de bureau


La place dans les moteurs sont dépendants du contenu du site et de leur popularité (références sur d'autres sites, les forums etc.). Sauf si tu paye une pub chez google, ça monte vite le temps ou ta pub est active, à toi de le maintenir ensuite.

Un hébergement payant chez quelqu'un qui a une bonne connectivité t'assure surtout que ton site reste accessible et sans ramer.

« La nature peut répondre à notre besoin, mais pas à notre convoitise. » ( citation d'un "indien" de la région de Vancouver ).

mise a jour

vendredi 28 mars 2014

bonjour j'ai un soucis de mise a jour sa marque sa

apt-get upgrade

E: Impossible d'obtenir le verrou /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Ressource temporairement non disponible)

E: Impossible de verrouiller le répertoire d'administration (/var/lib/dpkg/). Il est possible qu'un autre processus l'utilise.

avez vous la meme chose?

lire la wiki ces long mais très utile

Se connecter sur une caméra

Bonjour smile

Je débute et sur le forum et sur debian, et j'espère poster au bon endroit.

J'essaie de mettre en place un serveur web. j'ai configuré postfix + courrier + roundcube. Tout fonctionne.

Maintenant j'essaie de connecter une cam de surveillance. Je suis sur une Livebox, et je l'ai configurée sur les ports 81 interne et externe.

De mon réseau si je fais " Ip de la cam:81 " j'arrive bien dessus, (avec mon_domaine.fr:81 : " La connexion à échouée"). A partir d'un smartphone si je fais : " mon_domaine.fr:81 "

en http j'ai : Cette URL n'est pas dans la liste des URLS pouvant être authentifiées par le domaine donné

en https : Impossible de se connecter au serveur distant

Pour info, de l'extérieur je me connecte à mon site et à roundcube sans problème. Dans les vhost je 'bascule' tout en https

Merci de votre aide

Salut, j'ai licencié mon vendeur de fenêtres!

[unable to retrieve full-text content]Bienvenue. smile

impossible d'installer GDM3

impossible d'installer GDM3


hier j'ai fait une actualisatin de mon systhème. je suis avec un sytheme 'Pinning'

j'ai plusieurs sources.

suite à une inattention gdm a été supprimé.

J'ai essayé de reinstaller: en vain.

erreur(1) plus problème de dépendences.

mes questions: que faire?

Visiblement il me demande des dependences superieures comment les activer?

enfin quelles données je dois mettre dans mon sythème preférence pour que mon sytheme les trouve et que je puisse à nouveau installer gdm3: type de priorité?

mille mercis pour votre aide.

bien à vous

Compilation xfce4.10

Mate enlever icônes du bureau ?

jeudi 27 mars 2014


Comment fait-on pour enlever les icônes genre corbeille, home et poste de travail du bureau (qui sont installés par défaut) ???

J'ai pourtant bien essayé via "gnome-tweak-tool" de configurer cela, mais ça ne fonctionne pas, mais avec un redémarrage de la session.


smile Slyfox

Dernière modification par Slyfox (Aujourd'hui 07:06:29)

salut debian


je suis un tout nouvel utilisateur de debian

je connais un peu linux, car j'utilise mandriva depuis un peu moins de 10 ans

j'habite marseille et j'ai l'habitude de pas mal chercher dans les forums de ma distrib pour trouver des renseignements pratiques

bien le bonjour a tous

Un Crystal qui brille pas bien...

Bonsoir à tous,

Je profite de cet petit lapse de temps que mon iso se télécharge pour venir me présenter. Certains d'entre vous on déjà fait ma connaissance rapidement dans le forum des installations car justement je de gros problèmes pour installer debian et que je ne pouvais pas écrire comme il faut à cause du qwerty donc j'en profite pour venir me présenter.

Je vous rassure tout de suite je n'ai toujours pas réussi à faire une seule installation de debian lol. Je suis Guillaume, 36 ans, informaticien et responsable d'un parc. Je pratiquais pas bien linux jusqu'à aujourd'hui où je m'y intéresse plus fortement. Je suis en train également de passer un diplome pour devenir concepteur développeur.

Je suis marié et j'ai un gamin ^^

Concernant Linux j'ai passé la semaine à tester et installer plusieurs distributions dont voici un bref aperçu de mes impressions :

- Ubuntu : une catastrophe (du moins depuis unity).

- Mageia : excellente distrib quelques problèmes pour le vpn un peu pénible, je n'aime pas le parefeu

- Fedora : Pas mal mais dans le genre distrib labo, une testing aussi surement mais debian est réputé pour rester un minimum stable. Fedora je l'ai pété en deux trois mouvements ^^ bon j'avais fait une connerie aussi ^^ mais je crains pas.

- Mint : pas mal, la lmde me plait mais suis pas fan de cinnamon

- Opensuse : c'est chouette mais trop usine à gaz

Toutes ces distrib se sont installés sans problème. Pour Debian c'est une autre paire de manche. Je vous laisse aller voir dans le forum installation, mais là je me bat depuis début d'après midi avec.

Qu'est ce que je veux faire sous linux ? et bien de tout, c'est pour ca que je parlais un peu de non free tout à l'heure. Je joue pas mal, et je sais par ex que sur ma machine les drivers nouveaux me donnent pas d'assez bonnes performances. Je veux pouvoir également regarder mes vidéos persos donc voilà. Et vu que j'aime bien également bricoler et faire un peu de dev, debian devrait être pour moi...Peut être si ca marche lol.

C'est pour cela que je ne l'avais jamais testé réellement en desktop, j'avais toujours pris des forks, là j'aimerais bien voir.

A bientôt smile



Bonjour à toutes et à tous.

En 1er je voudrais remercier tous ceux qui contribuent au développement du logiciel libre et à celles et ceux qui partagent leurs connaissances.

Quant à moi, perdu entre les vagues de l'océan atlantique et Débian, j'essaye de flotter dans un univers où je puisse décider de mon chemin et non pas subir une quelconque dictature économique.

Je risque de vous mettre souvent à contribution... Déjà, j'aimerai savoir s'il y a corrélation entre une épaule gauche déboité (je passe le scanner demain) et le plantage de débian 7.3 à l'allumage. Peut-être faire une installation avec main gauche et droite et non pas seulement avec la main droite...

Bon c'est juste une présentation sous forme de petite boutade, mais je suis quelqu'un de fidèle, de passionné et qui va au bout de ces projets.

Toutes mes amitiés à tous le monde.

Debiannement Votre.


Tout ce que tu feras sera dérisoire, mais il est essentiel que tu le fasses. M. Gandhi

De retour !

Bonjour Fun smile

Bienvenue parmi nous !

C'est toujours intéressant d'avoir un retour sur les différents OS ou distri smile



Crées, Consolides... puis, Continues à Créer smile

Asus P4P800, P4C 2,6Ghz, Seagate laptop SSHD 500Go, Nvidia GF 6200 512 Mo avec Debian 7.0, Xfce 4.08

[wiki] Installer Cinnamon sur Debian Jessie version Testing

Problème installation Cinnamon

Merci pour la contribution Slyfox

J'ai parcouru le texte et corriger un peu l'orthographe. Par contre, je te laisse ajouter le mot manquant (entre la et qui) dans la phrase suivante :

Quand nous sommes sur la page de login (gdm3), il faut cliquer sur le symbole de la qui

"L'éducation vise à former des citoyens pas trop tatas et non pas à envoyer le plus de tatas possible à l'université."

Pierre Foglia

Site achat batterie

Salut à tou·te·s,

J'aimerais acquérir une seconde batterie pour mon portable. Avez-vous des sites à conseiller ? Il y a certes les éternels Amazon, Pixmania, et autres grosses plates-formes connues, mais il existe aussi tout un tas de plus petits sites spécialisés. Si quelqu'un a des expériences avec ces derniers (sites à éviter, à conseiller…) je suis preneur !

Merci !

PS : pour info, c'est pour mon Lenovo Thinkpad X200. J'ai une 4 cellules/4900 mAh (qui tient d'ailleurs encore pas mal du tout) et j'aimerais acquérir une 9 cellules/7800 mAh

Dernière modification par Marie-Lou (Aujourd'hui 16:48:31)

[Archive] François Hollande alias Caton

L'ultime question ... l'intelligence a besoin de la bêtise pour s'affirmer, la beauté a besoin de la laideur pour resplendir, le courage nait dans la peur, les forts impressionnent au millieu des faibles, mais au final,... qui a donc besoin d'autant de connards ?

Rdiff-backup et l'emplacement du fichier...

mercredi 26 mars 2014

Bonsoir à Toutes et Tous smile

Malgré qu'un Ami du forum m'est parlé de rdiff-backup, je ne l'avais pas testé, et aujourd'hui, je l'ai testé, et il me parait plus rapide sur un même fichier, que rsync !

J'ai voulu aller plus loin avec un fichier d'exclusion ou d'inclusion, sauf que j'ai lu le manuel en angliche, traduit en french, et n'ai trouvé nulle part, où placé ce fichier... ?

Une p'tite recherche sur la toile, et personne n'en cause...

Ma question est simple, où placer le fichier "include-list.txt" ?

Merci de vos retours smile



Crées, Consolides... puis, Continues à Créer smile

Asus P4P800, P4C 2,6Ghz, Seagate laptop SSHD 500Go, Nvidia GF 6200 512 Mo avec Debian 7.0, Xfce 4.08

dr captnfab et dr Marie-Lou

Deux en un

Bonjour tout le monde,

Je me documente en ce moment sur les sauvegardes (entre autre)

Est-il possible (je pense que oui) d'enregistrer un document sur deux

supports en même temps. Par exemple, un enregistrement sur le disque

dur interne et un autre sur une clé usb? Je ne veux pas du prémâché,

mais juste une orientation pour comprendre les outils qui réalisent

ces opérations.

Après quelques recherches je pense que cette tache peut-être automatisée.

Mais je n'en suis pas encore là.

Merci à vous.

Ma patrie c'est le monde, ma famille c'est l'humanité.

AC/CD futur album et tournée - Info

L'ultime question ... l'intelligence a besoin de la bêtise pour s'affirmer, la beauté a besoin de la laideur pour resplendir, le courage nait dans la peur, les forts impressionnent au millieu des faibles, mais au final,... qui a donc besoin d'autant de connards ?

Métalleux de tout poils : Hellfest 2014, l'affiche qui tue sa mémé !

L'ultime question ... l'intelligence a besoin de la bêtise pour s'affirmer, la beauté a besoin de la laideur pour resplendir, le courage nait dans la peur, les forts impressionnent au millieu des faibles, mais au final,... qui a donc besoin d'autant de connards ?

Racheter un PC Notebook

mardi 25 mars 2014


Excusez moi de vous déranger. Ce matin, mon PC Notebook tournant sur Debian est passé dans l'autre monde, explosé par ma chère petite nièce. Ce PC, je l'enmenais partout avec moi. Il faisait 13,3 pouces et était facilement transportable. Seulement, j'avais eu des problèmes notamment avec le touchpad après l'installation de la distribution linux. Aussi, avant de faire des bétises, je préfère venir me renseigner et vous demander quelques conseils. En effet, de nos jours, les PCs portables sont dotés de pas mal de fonctionnalités au niveau du matériel (par exemple les écrans tactiles) et avant de prendre quelque chose, je tiens à m'assurer qu'après l'installation du PC, je n'aurai pas 250 problèmes liés aux drivers. Aussi, je m'en remets à vos conseils : Mais comment faire ?

Je vous remercie d'avance pour votre aide et vous souhaite une bonne journée.



Souci au lancement d'un jeux sous steam

bonjour tout le monde smile

Voila j'ai installer steam sur debian sid.

Le problème c'est que je ne peut lancer aucun jeux voila le message d'erreur que j'obtiens : http://ift.tt/OVnmp7

d'ou vien le problème?

Merci d'avance pour vos réponse

[unable to retrieve full-text content]

[wiki] gpm

V3 de Macirculaire.com

lundi 24 mars 2014

Bonjour tout le monde ;

J'aimerai bien vous annoncer une nouvelle version V3 de circulaires des magasins Québec http://ift.tt/1hifFAj, cette plate-forme qui a été lancé il y a 3 ans. Donc une nouvelle pour 2014 avec plus d'options et de renseignements pour faire face aux besoins des clients de Macirculaire, avec une large sélection des circulaires magasins et boutiques au Québec et Montréal . Cette petite présentation a pour but de bien avoir vos avis et critiques sur cette nouvelle version de Macirculaire.



Qu'utilisez-vous pour faire une vignette d'image ?

Bonsoir à Toutes et Tous smile

Qu'utilisez-vous pour faire une vignette d'image, soit à l'unité soit par lot ?

J'ai bien Imagemagick, mais il est tout en barbare...

J'ai tenté de faire une vignette d'une image, et rien n'est sorti... ?

Autrement, j'suis passé par gimp, et çà a roulé tout seul... smile

Merci de vos retours smile



Crées, Consolides... puis, Continues à Créer smile

Asus P4P800, P4C 2,6Ghz, Seagate laptop SSHD 500Go, Nvidia GF 6200 512 Mo avec Debian 7.0, Xfce 4.08

À propos d'un "fsck died with exit status 4"

Notitfications => tableau de bord

Salut, je sèche sur un tout petit problème. J'aimerais savoir comment faire en ligne de commande pour afficher sur panneau 1 (en haut) tout se qui se trouve sur les quatre espaces de travail d'office.

J'en ai assez d'utiliser la souris pour mettre <toujours sur l'espace de travail visible>

Police Gnome

Police Gnome

Bonjour à tous, j'ai installer l’environnement Gnome 3 sur une Debian stable pour un second pc mais le problème c'est les polices (elles sont affreuses...:D).

Auriez vous un exemple de police à appliquer via Gnome gnome tweak tool.

J'ai remarquer aussi au niveau du navigateur Chrome et Iceweasel, c'est pas terrible non plus.

Merci pour vos réponses.

[wiki] des images plus légères sur la page d’accueil

Si tu utilises IW, Mozilla travaille actuellement sur une meilleure compression/lecture des images nativement par le navigateur, cela favorisera ceux qui aurons un navigateur venant de chez eux && un petit débit.

Ceci n’empêche en rien d'alléger la charge serveur avec des images plus légères wink

/2 Cents

Dernière modification par Galandou (20-03-2014 09:37:15)

[AFUL/Detaxe] Pétition internationale : choisir avant de payer !

L'AFUL et de nombreuses organisations lancent une pétition internationale pour le droit de choisir les logiciels avec lesquels fonctionne notre téléphone ou notre ordinateur.

Les révélations d'Edward Snowden sur la surveillance massive des communications et des usages rappellent le besoin impérieux que chaque personne puisse avoir la maîtrise des ordinateurs et des téléphones qu'elle utilise.

Lorsque vous utilisez un téléphone, un ordinateur portable

ou une tablette, vous payez jusqu'à 30% de logiciels.

Vous devriez pouvoir les refuser.

Lire la suite :

http://ift.tt/ORCELz … rnationale

Lien direct vers la pétition :

http://ift.tt/ORCHGZ … re_paying/

Dernière modification par david96 (Aujourd'hui 15:33:47)

Amis chasseurs, avec le couteau suisse Debian, aucun sanglier ne vous résistera :


♫ Avec ma tête de sanglier… ♪

Jessie et futur environnement graphique

xfce est préféré pour son encombrement moindre sur le cd, mais Gnome est beaucoup plus en avance sur l'accessibilité, pour les malvoyants notamment. C'est l'un des principaux arguments pour garder Gnome et refaire cette évaluation au mois d’août.

Perso j'aime bien Gnome 3.8, je trouve ça bien mieux qu'un Gnome 2. Gnome 3 et surtout les applications qui gravitent autours, profitent d'un développement plus que soutenue. Les designs d'applications changent fortement entre chaque version de Gnome. Il y a qu'a voir le site http://ift.tt/1rnOJHm pour voir que ça chôme pas.

Gtk a aussi reçu plein de nouveaux widgets et de nouvelles fonctionnalités, ça donne plein de possibilité au dev. Du coup il y a pas mal de test pour trouver le bon compromis.

Il n'y a cas voir Gedit 3.12 que l'on risque de ne pas reconnaître:


L'autre gros morceau c'est le passage à Wayland, et là aussi il y a plein de nouvelle possibilités, notamment plus de contrôle sur la décoration des fenêtres.

En tout ça donne l'impression que Gnome se cherche encore et qu'il est toujours en transition, mais ça devrait se tasser bientôt, même si Gnome 3.12 devrait fixer pas mal de chose.

Sinon pour les nostalgiques, il y a toujours Gnome Classic, une customisation de Gnome-Shell:


Gnome-Shell 3.10 tarde à arriver dans Debian testing et unstable parce qu'il faut attendre que Debian migre vers libcogl20, mais ça ne devrait plus tarder je pense.


Injection de texte prédéfini par touche

Bonjour !

Je recherche une solution logicielle qui permettrait d'injecter des blocs de textes prédéfinis sur simple pression d'une touche. J'envoie quotidiennement quantité de courriels parfaitement identiques, je recherche donc quelque chose me permettant par exemple à l'appui de la touche F8 d'insérer dans un champs de texte quelque chose du genre "Bonjour, votre demande est bien prise en compte, merci de prendre votre mal en patience" big_smile

Le billet aurait peut-être davantage sa place sous le thème "Script & Automatisation de tâches" ... ?

Merci d'avance,

Après 15 ans de perdition dans la sphère Microsoft, j'ai rejoint la mère patrie du libre pour renouer avec le plaisir de l'informatique.


Aufsroot est fondé sur AUFS, présent dans les noyaux debian depuis wheezy. Le principe d'aufs consiste à superposer des systèmes de fichiers les uns sur les autres. Il est donc possible de faire un système temporaire afin de tester une mise à jour, un nouveau paquet et de pouvoir revenir en arrière en annulant toutes les modifications. Cela est particulièrement précieux. Le système permet de bouter sur un système, de faire des manipulations dessus puis de revenir à la situation antérieure. Il est également possible de faire un chroot reflétant le système et de tester un paquet ou un passage dans la version supérieure. Les possibilités sont très importantes. Tous les renseignements sont sur


Kega Fusion


En lançant l'exécutable en console


./Fusion: error while loading shared libraries: libgtk-x11-2.0.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Il semble donc que le programme recherche une bibliothèque non présente. Il semble qu'elle n'existe pas sous Debian donc, je dirais que ça aura du mal à fonctionner (ou alors avec force bidouilles)

La solution proposée par luxer semble donc la plus adaptée. D'une manière générale, utiliser les paquets des dépôts est toujours préférable smile



La seule question bête, c'est celle qu'on ne pose pas.

fsck died with exit status 4

Yo mes amis,

Bon depuis qqs jours et suite a un arrêt brutal de ma tour. Quand je redémarre j'ai le check pour le /dev/sda6 qui foire.

J'ai comparré le /etc/fstab avec les uuid tout est nickel.

Pour la réparation, je pensai que le sujet sur debian-fr avait été suffisant.

Mais non, à chaque extinction et boot, lors du check ça me remet l'erreur 4 (Filesystem errors left uncorrected)

Comme je le précise sur l'autre forum, de souvenance, à la réparation, j'ai cru comprendre qu'il s'agissait des fichiers :


Ce qui m'étonne !

Ceci dit, il est vrais qu'au démarrage de iceweasel, après 10 secondes, il y a blocage d'environs 30 secondes et après ça roule.

Amis chasseurs, avec le couteau suisse Debian, aucun sanglier ne vous résistera :


♫ Avec ma tête de sanglier… ♪

Barriers Functioning as Regulations Against Competition

dimanche 23 mars 2014

Imagine there were a resource that is cheap to extract and present, although plentiful therein, in only one place. Then anyone who owned the land on which it was situated would have a monopoly and could charge outrageous prices. Furthermore, they would have to do almost no work themselves in order to make this fortune. Isn't private property, in this case, a barrier to competition?

And while that is an idealized scenario, is the situation really that different for oil tycoons and states which are still sucking oil out of the same well decades after its discovery (which may have been enabled by foreign explorers in the first place)? Is it all that different from diamond mines in South Africa?


In total, De Beers generated an underlying operating profit of $1 billion (£598m) in 2013, a 112% increase on its 2012 full-year results, reflecting the group’s increased shareholding, together with improved prices, largely owing to the product mix, and a weaker rand.


Likewise, things that may be cheap to discover and patent (made such only by very recent advantages) yield similar barriers to competition - making some people very rich for providing only trivial contributions of time and effort to society.

It seems to me that advantages from location can defeat market efficiency.

Should society do more to combat or regulate these forms of monopolies? What is a better way to manage these things?

Minorwork created an earlier thread with a similar title:


Quote by: minorwork View Post


"Startups argue that regulators are holding back innovation; regulators believe that consumer safety and fraud prevention is at stake." ~ Christina Farr

The startups have given voice in their defense, but I can't see any defense voiced by the regulators addressing consumer safety and fraud. I blame the author. If the regulators had offered nothing or clammed up when queried about the safety and fraud issues then the author should have said so.

Are the regulators concerned that Amazon and Google will be getting inept coders? I'm guessing that both can detect ineptness fine without having some regulated state licensed mediocrity sticking its nose into the tent.


10 "Myths" About Google Glass

Is google glass going to ruin privacy, cause accidents, and cater only to the very wealthy? If so, perhaps we ought to take a page out of Steve Jobs book and starting calling Google big blue.

In google's self-defence:


In its relatively short existence, Glass has seen some myths develop around it. While we’re flattered by the attention, we thought it might make sense to tackle them, just to clear the air. And besides, everyone loves a good list:

Myth 1 - Glass is the ultimate distraction from the real world

Instead of looking down at your computer, phone or tablet while life happens around you, Glass allows you to look up and engage with the world. Big moments in life -- concerts, your kid’s performances, an amazing view -- shouldn’t be experienced through the screen you’re trying to capture them on. That’s why Glass is off by default and only on when you want it to be. It’s designed to get you a bit of what you need just when you need it and then get you back to the people and things in life you care about.

Myth 2: Glass is always on and recording everything

Just like your cell phone, the Glass screen is off by default. Video recording on Glass is set to last 10 seconds. People can record for longer, but Glass isn't designed for or even capable of always-on recording (the battery won’t last longer than 45 minutes before it needs to be charged). So next time you’re tempted to ask an Explorer if he’s recording you, ask yourself if you’d be doing the same with your phone. Chances are your answers will be the same.

Myth 3 - Glass Explorers are technology-worshipping geeks

Our Explorers come from all walks of life. They include parents, firefighters, zookeepers, brewmasters, film students, reporters, and doctors. The one thing they have in common is that they see the potential for people to use technology in a way that helps them engage more with the world around them, rather than distract them from it. In fact, many Explorers say because of Glass they use technology less, because they’re using it much more efficiently. We know what you’re thinking: “I’m not distracted by technology”. But the next time you’re on the subway, or, sitting on a bench, or in a coffee shop, just look at the people around you. You might be surprised at what you see.

Myth 4 - Glass is ready for prime time

Glass is a prototype, and our Explorers and the broader public are playing a critical role in how it’s developed. In the last 11 months, we’ve had nine software updates and three hardware updates based, in part, on feedback from people like you. Ultimately, we hope even more feedback gets baked into a polished consumer product ahead of being released. And, in the future, today's prototype may look as funny to us as that mobile phone from the mid 80s.

Myth 5: Glass does facial recognition (and other dodgy things) Nope. That’s not true. As we’ve said before, regardless of technological feasibility, we made the decision based on feedback not to release or even distribute facial recognition Glassware unless we could properly address the many issues raised by that kind of feature. And just because a weird application is created, doesn’t mean it’ll get distributed in our MyGlass store. We manually approve all the apps that appear there and have several measures in place (from developer policies and screenlocks to warning interstitials) to help protect people’s security on the device.

Myth 6: Glass covers your eye(s)

“I can't imagine having a screen over one eye...” one expert said in a recent article. Before jumping to conclusions about Glass, have you actually tried it? The Glass screen is deliberately above the right eye, not in front or over it. It was designed this way because we understand the importance of making eye contact and looking up and engaging with the world, rather than down at your phone.

Myth 7 - Glass is the perfect surveillance device

If a company sought to design a secret spy device, they could do a better job than Glass! Let’s be honest: if someone wants to secretly record you, there are much, much better cameras out there than one you wear conspicuously on your face and that lights up every time you give a voice command, or press a button.

Myth 8 - Glass is only for those privileged enough to afford it

The current prototype costs $1500 and we realize that is out of the range of many people. But that doesn’t mean the people who have it are wealthy and entitled. In some cases, their work has paid for it. Others have raised money on Kickstarter and Indiegogo. And for some, it’s been a gift.

Myth 9 - Glass is banned... EVERYWHERE

Since cell phones came onto the scene, folks have been pretty good at creating etiquette and the requisite (and often necessary) bans around where someone can record (locker rooms, casino floors, etc.). Since Glass functionality mirrors the cell phones ("down to the screen being off by default), the same rules apply. Just bear in mind, would-be banners: Glass can be attached to prescription lenses, so requiring Glass to be turned off is probably a lot safer than insisting people stumble about blindly in a locker room.

Myth 10 - Glass marks the end of privacy

When cameras first hit the consumer market in the late 19th century, people declared an end to privacy. Cameras were banned in parks, at national monuments and on beaches. People feared the same when the first cell phone cameras came out. Today, there are more cameras than ever before. In ten years there will be even more cameras, with or without Glass. 150+ years of cameras and eight years of YouTube are a good indicator of the kinds of photos and videos people capture--from our favorite cat videos to dramatic, perspective-changing looks at environmental destruction, government crackdowns, and everyday human miracles. 


Pan Am Flight 103 - Who dun it?


Pan Am Flight 103 (involved in the Lockerbie bombing) was a Pan Am transatlantic flight from Frankfurt to Detroit via London and New York City that was destroyed by a terrorist bomb on Wednesday, 21 December 1988, killing all 243 passengers and 16 crew on board.[1] Large sections of the aircraft crashed into Lockerbie, Scotland, killing 11 more people on the ground.

Following a three-year joint investigation by Dumfries and Galloway Constabulary and the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation, arrest warrants were issued for two Libyan nationals in November 1991. In 1999, Libyan leader Colonel Muammar Gaddafi handed over the two men for trial at Camp Zeist, Netherlands after protracted negotiations and UN sanctions. In 2001, Libyan intelligence officer Abdelbaset al-Megrahi was jailed for the bombing. In August 2009, he was released by the Scottish government on compassionate grounds after being diagnosed with prostate cancer. He died in May 2012, remaining the only person to be convicted for the attack.


Gwynne Dyer:


Abdelbaset al-Megrahi, a Libyan airline official who was convicted of placing the bomb aboard the plane and sentenced to 27 years in prison by a special international court in 2001, was freed from jail in 2009 and sent home, allegedly dying from cancer and with only three months to live. He eventually did die three years later, but it was a very peculiar thing for the Scottish government to do...

And there was something even more disturbing about the case. As a condition of his release, Megrahi was required to drop an appeal against his conviction that had been granted by the Scottish Criminal Cases Review Commission in 2007.

The SCCRC listed no fewer than six grounds for serious concern about Megrahi’s conviction, including the fact that the U.S. Justice Department made an undisclosed payment of $3 million to two Maltese citizens whose evidence had linked Megrahi with the suitcase that contained the bomb. If the appeal had gone ahead, Megrahi’s conviction would probably have been quashed.


Gwynne Dyer goes on to explain, with some testimonial evidence from an Iranian intelligence officer, that Iran was behind the attack (conducted through Palestinian intermediaries) and that the attack was revenge for the US shooting down Iran Air Flight 655. He claims that tacking it on Iran would have gotten in the way of securing Syria's support for the first Iraq War - thus Gaddafi was bribed into taking responsibility.

What really happened? Will we ever know?

Why Did the West Outpace China? The Great Divergence

As of 1400, China was more advanced than Europe. Starting at around the time of the Renaissance, Europe developed a slight lead that grew over time and accelerated with the onset of the industrial revolution.

Why did China lose its advantage?

China's advantage in regards to population and becoming a civilized center earlier (because of locally available crops and some of the world's best agric) initially enabled it to surpass Europe. My opinion, shared with Jared Diamond, is that China's unity and hegemony over the surrounding region, produced by lack of strong geographic barriers, enabled its rulers to neglect and even repress technological and economic innovations. European powers by contrast could not suppress progress as vigorously without becoming vulnerable to those nearby whom didn't.



The distribution of coal deposits shaped industrial development in Britain.

In the Industrial Revolution, coal and coke were extensively used in metallurgy and steam engines, being cheaper, more plentiful and more efficient than wood and charcoal. Coal-fired steam engines were also used in the railways and in shipping, revolutionizing transport in the early 19th century.

Kenneth Pomeranz drew attention to differences in the availability of coal between West and East. Due to regional climate, European coal mines were wetter, and deep mines did not become practical until the introduction of the Newcomen steam engine to pump out groundwater. In Chinese mines in the arid northwest, ventilation to prevent explosions was much more difficult.[33]

Another difference was geographic distance; although China and Europe had comparable mining technologies, the distances between the economically developed regions and coal deposits were vastly different. The largest coal deposits in China are located in the northwest, within reach of the Chinese industrial core during the Northern Song. During the 11th century, China developed sophisticated technologies to extract and use coal for energy, leading to soaring iron production.[8] The southward population shift between the 12th and 14th centuries resulted in new centers of Chinese industry far from the major coal deposits. Some small coal deposits were available locally, though their use was sometimes hampered by government regulations. In contrast, Britain contained some of the largest coal deposits in Europe.[34]

Efficiency of markets and state intervention[edit]

The claim that Europe had more efficient markets than other civilizations has been cited as a reason for the Great Divergence.[35] In Europe, market efficiency was disrupted by the prevalence of feudalism and mercantilism. Practices such as entail, which restricted land ownership, hampered the free flow of labor and buying and selling of land. These feudal restrictions on land ownership were especially strong in continental Europe. China had a relatively more liberal land market, hampered only by weak customary traditions.[36] Bound labor, such as serfdom and slavery were more prevalent in Europe than in China, even during the Manchu conquest.[37] Urban industry in the West was more restrained by guilds and state-enforced monopolies than in China, where in the 18th century the principal monopolies governed salt and foreign trade through Guangzhou.[38] Pomeranz rejects the view that market institutions were the cause of the Great Divergence, and concludes that China was closer to the ideal of a market economy than Europe.[36]

State prohibition of new technology[edit]

Jared Diamond in the book Guns, Germs, and Steel argues that explicit outlawing of new technology was an important explanation for the divergence. For example, in China in 1432, a new Emperor outlawed the building of ocean-going ships, in which China was the world leader at the time. Diamond traces this to differences in geography. Outside Europe advanced cultures developed in areas whose geography was conducive to large, monolithic, isolated empires. In these conditions policies of technological and social stagnation could persist. On the other hand, Europe's geography favored balkanization into smaller, closer, nation-states, as its many natural barriers (mountains, rivers) provide defensible borders. As a result, governments that suppressed economic and technological progress soon corrected their mistakes or were out-competed relatively quickly. As an example of this national Darwinism, Diamond offers the disappearance of the counter-progressive Polish state. He argues that geographical factors created the conditions for more rapid internal superpower change (Spain succeeded by France and then by England) than was possible elsewhere in Eurasia.

Another example is the firearms of Japan being almost completely prohibited by the Tokugawa Shogunate, in part because this new technology threatened the Samurai class and way of life.

East stopped trying[edit]

The attitude of the east towards innovation is one of the other factors that might have played a much bigger role in the west’s advancements over the east. As David Landes explained, after a few centuries of innovations and inventions, it seemed like the east stopped trying and began to sustain what they had. They kept nurturing their pre-modern inventions and did not move forward with the modern times. China decided to continue a self-sustaining process of scientific and technological advancement on the basis of their indigenous traditions and achievements.[39] The east’s attitude towards innovation showed that they focused more on experience, while the west focused on experimentation. The east did not see the need to improve on their inventions and thus from experience, focused on their past successes. While they did this, the west was focused more on experimentation and trial by error, which led them to come up with new and different ways to improve on existing innovations and create new ones (Lin, 1995 P 276).

Differences in wages and living standards[edit]

Classical economists, beginning with Adam Smith and Thomas Malthus, argued that high wages in the West stimulated labor-saving technological advancements.[40][41] However, more recent studies have depicted living standards in 18th century China and pre-Industrial Revolution Europe as comparable.[8][42] Life expectancy in China and Japan for adult males were 39.6 and 41.1 respectively, compared with 34 for England, between 27.5 and 30 for France, and 24.7 for Prussia.[43] Chinese laborers in the Yangtze delta consumed 4,600 calories per day on average (laborers in China overall consumed 2,637 calories on average) compared with 2,000-2,500 calories per day for England.[44] According to Pomeranz and others, there was modest per capita growth in both regions,[45] the Chinese economy was not stagnant, and in many areas, especially agriculture, was ahead of Western Europe.[46] Chinese cities were also ahead in public health.[47]

Economic historian Robert Allen estimates that family incomes in the Yangtze delta, the richest region of China, were substantially higher than England in 1620 and was the equivalent of 19 pence per day in 1820, compared with 20 pence per day in the contemporary English Midlands,[9] However, Allen states that Yangtze delta agricultural labor productivity was static between 1600 and 1800, while English and Dutch productivity caught up, greatly increasing from a much lower starting point.[48] Yangtse workers worked fewer days, and the trend was for the number of days worked to decrease as farms became smaller, reducing family incomes.[49]

Luxury consumption[edit]

Luxury consumption is regarded by many scholars to have stimulated the development of capitalism and thus contributed to the Great Divergence.[citation needed] Proponents of this view argue that workshops, which manufactured luxury articles for the wealthy, gradually amassed capital to expand their production and then emerged as large firms producing for a mass market; they believe that Western Europe's unique tastes for luxury stimulated this development further than other cultures. However, others counter that luxury workshops were not unique to Europe; large cities in China and Japan also possessed many luxury workshops for the wealthy,[50] and that luxury workshops do not necessarily stimulate the development of "capitalistic firms".[51]

Property rights[edit]

Differences in property rights have been cited as a possible cause of the Great Divergence. This view states that Asian merchants could not develop and accumulate capital because of the risk of state expropriation and claims from fellow kinsmen, which made property rights very insecure compared to those of Europe.[52] However, others counter that many European merchants were de facto expropriated through defaults on government debt, and that the threat of expropriation by Asian states was not much greater than in Europe, except in Japan.[53]

Government and policies are seen as an integral part of modern societies and have played a major role in how different economies have been formed. The Eastern societies had a government that was controlled by the ruling dynasties and thus, were not a separate entity. Their Government at the time lacked policies that fostered innovation and thus resulted is slow advancements. As explained by Cohen, the east had a restrictive system of trade that went against the free world market theory; there was no political liberty or policies that encouraged the capitalist market (Cohen, 1993). This was in contrast to the western society that developed commercial laws and property rights which allowed for the protection and liberty of the marketplace. Their capitalist ideals and market structures encouraged innovation.[54][55][56][57][58][59]

Pomeranz (2000) argues that much of the land market in China was free, with many supposedly hereditary tenants and landlords being frequently removed or forced to sell their land. Although Chinese customary law specified that people within the village were to be offered the land first, Pomeranz states that most of the time the land was offered to more capable outsiders, and argues that China actually had a freer land market than Europe.[36] Pomeranz does not address the most common form of land sale, known as the conditional sale. The conditional sale allowed the seller to return to the buyer many years after the sale, and many times, to demand extra payments. He also does not account for the inability of landlords to collect rent on second crops.

However, Robert Brenner and Chris Isett emphasize differences in land tenancy rights. They argue that in the lower Yangtze, most farmers either owned land or held secure tenancy at fixed rates of rent, so that neither farmers nor landlords were exposed to competition. In 15th century England, lords had lost their serfs, but were able to assert control over almost all of the land, creating a rental market for tenant farmers. This created competitive pressures against subdividing plots, and the fact that plots could not be directly passed on to sons forced them to delay marriage until they had accumulated their own possessions. Thus in England both agricultural productivity and population growth were subject to market pressures throughout the early modern period.[60]

New World[edit]

Distribution of colonial empires by the end of the 18th century

A variety of theories posit Europe's unique relationship with the New World as a major cause of the Great Divergence. The high profits earned from the colonies and the slave trade constituted 7 percent a year, a relatively high rate of return considering the high rate of depreciation on pre-industrial capital stocks, which limited the amount of savings and capital accumulation.[13] Early European colonization was sustained by profits through selling New World goods to Asia, especially silver to China.[61] According to Pomeranz, the most important advantage for Europe was the vast amount of fertile, uncultivated land in the Americas which could be used to grow large quantities of farm products required to sustain European economic growth and allowed labor and land to be freed up in Europe for industrialization.[62] New World exports of wood, cotton, and wool are estimated to have saved England the need for 23 to 25 million acres (100,000 km2) of cultivated land (by comparison, the total amount of cultivated land in England was just 17 million acres), freeing up immense amounts of resources. The New World also served as a market for European manufactures.[63] However, Ricardo Duchesne has argued against Pomeranz's assertion that the New World gave Europe a special advantage compared to other Asian cores by pointing out that China also engaged in expansion into the Southwest and Manchuria, which gave it similar advantages.[64]

High-level equilibrium trap[edit]

The high-level equilibrium trap theory argues that China did not undergo an indigenous industrial revolution since its economy was in a stable equilibrium.


Max Weber argued in The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism that capitalism in northern Europe evolved when the Protestant work ethic (particularly Calvinist) influenced large numbers of people to engage in work in the secular world, developing their own enterprises and engaging in trade and the accumulation of wealth for investment. In his work The Religion of China: Confucianism and Taoism he focused on Chinese culture as an explanation for why capitalism did not develop in China. Chen (2012) similarly argues that cultural differences were the most fundamental cause for the divergence, arguing that the Humanism of the Renaissance followed by the Enlightenment (including revolutionary changes in attitude towards religion) enabled a mercantile, innovative, individualistic, and capitalistic spirit. In Ming Dynasty China, by contrast, some have argued that repressive measures stifled dissenting opinions and nonconformity. Even more fundamentally, aspects of traditional Chinese culture, especially Confucianism, taught that disobedience to one's superiors was tantamount to sin. In addition, Chen argues, merchants and artificers had less prestige than they did in Western Europe. He also sees the New World as an additional necessary factor, and trade as a supporting factor causing less developed areas to concentrate on agriculture supporting industrialized regions in Europe.[11] Justin Yifu Lin has argued for the role of the imperial examination system in removing the incentives for Chinese intellectuals to learn mathematics or to conduct experimentation.[10]

However, many people have questioned the view that Confucian teachings promoted unquestionable loyalty to one's superiors and the state. Scholars who have studied Confucianism have shown that one of the central teachings of Confucianism is that one should remonstrate with authority. Many Confucians throughout history disputed their superiors in order to not only prevent the superiors and the rulers from wrongdoing, but also to maintain the independent spirits of the Confucians.[65] In addition, historians like Yu Yingshi and Billy So have shown that as Chinese society became increasingly commercialized from the Song dynasty onward, Confucianism had gradually begun to accept and in many cases, support business and trade as legitimate and viable professions, as long as merchants stayed away from immoral actions. Merchants in the meantime had also benefited from and utilized Confucian ethics in their business practices. This is true especially in the Ming-Qing dynasties, when the status of merchants was on the rise.[66][67][68]Consequently, while Confucianism did not actively promote profit seeking, it did not hinder China’s commercial development either.

Of the developed cores of the Old world, India was distinguished by its caste system of bound labor, which hampered economic and population growth and resulted in relative underdevelopment compared to other core regions. Compared with other developed regions, India still possessed large amounts of unused resources. India's caste system gave an incentive to elites to drive their unfree laborers harder when faced with increased demand, rather than invest in new capital projects and technology. The Indian economy was characterized by vassal-lord relationships, which weakened the motive of financial profit and the development of markets; a talented artisan or merchant could not hope to gain much personal reward. Overall, scholars state that India was not a very likely site for an industrial breakthrough, despite its sophisticated commerce and technologies.[69]

Aspects of Islamic law have been proposed as one explanation for the divergence for the Muslim world. Islamic institutions which had at earlier stages promoted development later started preventing more advanced development by hampering formation of corporations, capital accumulation, mass production, and impersonal transactions.[70] Several other explanations have been proposed including the gradual prohibition of independent religious judgements (Ijtihad) and a strong communalism which limited contacts with outside groups and the development of institutions dealing with more temporary interactions of various kinds.[71]

The eastern culture of respect and unquestionable devotion to the ruling dynasty was as a result of a culture where the control of the dynasty led to a silent society that did not ask questions or experiment without the approval or order from the ruling class. On the other hand, the West of the late medieval era did not have a central authority or absolute state, which allowed for a free flow of ideas (Rosenberg, Birdzell, 1986). The eastern culture also showed a dismissal of change due to their fear of failure and disregard for the imitation of outside inventions and euro science; this was different from the western view as the Europeans were willing to experiment and imitate others to benefit their society (Duchesne, 2006 P. 76). They had a culture where change was encouraged, and their sense of anxiety and disregard for comfort led them to be more innovative. As Duchesne put it, the western culture “embodied a reflective sense of self-doubt about its way of doing things, dissatisfaction with the existing order of being.” (Duchesne, 2006 P. 87) The eastern societies also had little respect for traders and merchants, which made these occupations less desirable, leading to a shift away from innovation.


Lesson from Ukraine: Acquire Nuclear Weapons

The events in Ukraine with Russia annexing Crimea teach us that commitments made by great powers like the United States, the United Kingdom, and Russia are of no worth, and every country in order to be secure from invasion and attack should acquire a robust nuclear deterrent capable of withstanding a first strike.

In 1994, Ukraine, Russia, United States, and United Kingdom signed the Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances. The parties agreed that in exchange for Ukraine giving up its nuclear weapons (1,900 nuclear warheads), the other nations would not use force against Ukraine and honor its borders, and would defend Ukraine if a nuclear power used aggression against Ukraine.

All the nations that were party to the agreement upon which Ukraine relied have broken the agreement.

The lesson learned is that it is vital for nations to have defensive nuclear weapons to avoid attacks by the various nuclear powers. North Korea is doing it right. Iran would be foolish and negligent not to develop a nuclear deterrent capable of withstanding a first strike.

Had Ukraine retained its nuclear deterrent, Russia would not have invaded and seized Crimea.

Lastly, Ukraine is the only country in the world to ever give up its nuclear arsenal, and look what happened.

Fugitives Using Virtual Presence Robots

samedi 22 mars 2014

Edward Snowden recently showed up to a TED talk. If his physical body had tried to make it, he probably would've been arrested. So instead he showed up via a virtual presence machine. Presumably such devices are going to become more advanced in the future, coupled with arms and legs and the like. Already, we have drones ever cheaper drones coming onto the market:

While I am a fan of Snowden, this begs the question: should we allow fugitives to "come into" our country via use of remote controlled robots? What about for people who are in jail?

Another Stupid American Government Story

Among the world's governments, few are demonstrably as stupid, dumb, and harmful to its citizens as the American one. The latest example is Cocaine use is going to pot: Drug users spend $100 billion a year on illegal drugs; taxpayers, $200 billion .

Only in America would such insanity be tolerated. Sure, other nations--usually due to the pressure and coercion of the dumb and dumber American government--have idiotic drug laws, but no government approaches this level of blatant stupidity and harm.


Law-abiding Americans who’ve never touched an illegal drug in their lives should be concerned, Kilmer says. U.S. taxpayers end up picking up the bill, paying approximately $200 billion a year — or double the $100 billion drug users themselves spend annually on illicit drugs — for police, health, crime and incarceration costs associated with illegal drug activity...

And, don't even get me started on the moronic and destructive practice of incarcerating hundreds of thousands of people (mostly black and Latino) for years on end for non-violent drug crimes.

There is no government, I submit, apart from, perhaps, North Korea and a few other regimes run by megalomaniacal despots, as stupid as the American government.

Willing Heart

Thomas O’buck’s first video deals with the willing heart. The whole video is presented from a biblical perspective; however, it is more definitive and applicable than it is doctrinal. Everything we do in life is determined by how willing we are to do the things we do. We may make excuses to excuse ourselves from responsibility, but basically we are just not willing to do what is necessary from time to time. This willing heart is the basis for a great many of the teachings I have delivered over 30 years of my life. It has taken me that long to recognize what I was doing.


Why sex?

vendredi 21 mars 2014

This question was stimulated by Minorworks demand that I explain why marriage and becoming a parent is a valuable part of learning about life.

Why sex can be answered with a biological explanation, but I am asking the question here, in the forum for religion and spirituality, because Christianity associates sex with sin. Sex is not required for reproduction. Amoeba reproduce by dividing, not by having sex. There must be some reason why God made us to have sex instead of remaining pure and capable of reproducing without being sinful. Why do you think God, or nature, made us to have sex?

I'm new!

Hello, I enjoy licking Blow Pops "Blue Raspberry" while snorkeling in the New Jersey waste management facility.

Giving myself a saline drip I.V. into my scrotum because my penis is malnourished is another hobby of mine also.

Other activities include but not limited to:

  • Spiking my alcoholic beverages with Rohypnol while sleep walking. I've found it quite difficult keeping my hands off of myself.

  • Smashing my face into wooden cylindrical objects on a bimonthly basis to keep current on the perspective of bowling balls.

  • Ingesting medium quantities of Strychnine, Asbestos, Silica sand and Thallium mixed in a shot glass with liquefied Zyklon B, that's given to me by a 6'7 Jewish man named Vilhem Von Klassen-burg, who likes to be called Amelia Earhart.

  • Being periodically tasered by random law enforcement agencies from around the world.

among other things.

I'm currently a homeless magician living off noodles, butter, olive oil and Nehi Peach Soda.

Founder of: The Dish-towel Mafia™

Thank you for taking the time to learn a little bit about me and I hope to talk with you very soon.




You ever see those infomercials on vacuum-sealing food? You know....those ones you watch at 2:45 in the morning, naked and eating an entire box of Little Debbie Swiss rolls? Not because you particularly like them, and you'd rather have some cosmic brownies (also by LD) but because it's the only thing available in the house and you don't want to get up and drive 5.8 miles to the truck stop next to the Interstate to grab BAR-B-Q Fritos, Cinnamon rolls and a Slurpee because that prostitute Candy Jenkins is always asking you for $7 dollars and you have to roll whatever loose change you have in your pocket in the opposite direction to make her chase after it so you can get away?

Yeah, me too, ALL the time.

Just checking.


Post postscript: Most of the above is partially untrue.

Who are we?

jeudi 20 mars 2014

Who are we?

There are a few scriptures found in the book of Genesis of the Bible that are very important to help you understand what a "man" is. Without the knowledge of what a man is, you will be totally confused about ALL God's people in this world and everything that is written about in the Bible. So if you don't listen carefully what our Creator is trying to tell you through this written testimony, you will remain confused about this world and who we are in Him. The following statement in Genesis chapter one is the least understood statement that exists in the Bible, yet is is one of the most literal statements found in the bible.

Genesis 1

26: Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, after our likeness; and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth."

27: So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.

The phrases, “Let us” and “make man” and “in OUR image” are very important phrases that sets up everything else in the Bible.

“Let us” means our Creator and His Word, which was the first born ( created ) in the beginning of God’s work. Here are two scriptures that go along with this;

John 1

1: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

2: He was in the beginning with God;

3: all things were made through him, and without him was not anything made that was made.

4: In him was life, and the life was the light of men.

Here’s another scripture that’s about God and His Word (“Let us” ).

I Colossians 1:

15: He is the image of the invisible God, the first-born of all creation;

16: for in him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or authorities – all things were created through him and for him.

17: He is before all things, and in him all things hold together.

18: He is the head of the body, the church; he is the beginning, the first-born from the dead, that in everything he might be pre-eminent.

19: For in him all the fulness of God was pleased to dwell,

In both these scriptures, you will see that God created ( first-born ) His Word, known as “He” or “him” in all these sentences. So the phrase “Let us” in Genesis 1 means our Creator God and His Word.

So the phrase “make man” in Genesis 1 verse 26 means God and His Word “made” man.

The phrase “in our image” means God and His Word made man invisible because in 1 Colossians 1, it says, “He is the image of the INVISIBLE God”. Remember, the word “He” is God’s Word so God and His Word are both invisible. The invisible God and His invisible Word created man invisible.

So let’s go back to the first statement ( scripture );

Genesis 1

26: Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, after our likeness; and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth."

27: So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them

Now that we know that God and His Word means “Our” in the above statement, then let’s find out what “man” is.

This statements says, “God created man in his own image”, which we have learned now as an invisible image. Man was created invisible according to this phrase we read in Genesis.

In the next part of this statement, it says, “in the ( invisible ) image of God he created him. The word “him” refers to God’s created invisible man. So man was made in the invisible image of God and His Word, which was also created ( first-born ) in the beginning according to John 1: 1, “In the beginning was the Word”.

In the last part of Genesis 1 verse 27, it says, “male and female he created them”. In the context of Genesis 1: 26 and 27, it is referring to God’s created man. So the phrase, “male and female” is referring to God and His Word’s created man. So man was created male and female.

Now we know that man was created invisible from this study of Genesis, John 1, and 1 Colossians 1.

Let’s go to Genesis 2;

Genesis 2

7: then the LORD God formed man of dust from the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being.

In this statement ( scripture ) above, we see the phrase, “God formed man of dust from the ground”. But in Genesis 1: 26 and 27, we learned that man was created invisible by God and His Word. So this means that man’s flesh was formed from the dust of the earth that we live on. The flesh is visible to us so the flesh is what we all see in this world but according to the invisible God and His Word, man was created invisible ( in our image ).

This can be very confusing to us human beings that have always believed our flesh was our true existence on this earth. But according to God’s Word, we are actually created in His invisible image which has been unknown to us since we began walking around on this earth, believing that everything we see in this world was the way God created it.

Let’s go back to this statement ( scripture ) in Genesis 2;

It says, “and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life”. This phrase is very confusing because it’s in symbolic form. The “breath of life” actually means the invisible part of man that is needed in order to make man’s flesh move about in this world. That’s because man’s flesh is something that cannot live on it’s own power. It’s only an illusion that makes God’s created invisible man believe that he’s a “living being” known as a human being to us that live in this world today.

The phrase in Genesis 2, “and man became a living being” refers to the flesh of man ( visible man ) and the breath of life ( the invisible man ).

So far, we have learned that man was created invisible first, then was given a flesh in this world to make him believe that he’s a living being. We also learned that God and His Word are invisible, too. But we also learned that man came from God and His Word, both visible and invisible.

I hope you can see how important it is to understand who you are in God and His Word so you can understand the rest of the story that unfolds in the Bible.

The next thing to learn is that we have a visible world and an invisible world. The visible world is what we see such as our flesh and the flesh of other men and all the objects that we see in the universe. The invisible world is what we can’t see. This is our created existence in God and His Word. So God’s creation is invisible and will remain invisible forever.

In order to understand the visible world we live in, we have to understand how God formed this world. I say the word “formed” because it isn’t something that’s created. God’s creation is invisible to man and so is man himself as we learned earlier. So this means that God formed the flesh and all the objects that we see. Let’s go to the next part of Genesis 2 now that we know there’s an invisible existence of God, His Word and man.

Genesis 2

8 And the LORD God planted a garden in Eden, in the east; and there he put the man whom he had formed. 9 And out of the ground the LORD God made to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight and good for food, the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

The first phrase of this statement ( scripture ) says, “Lord God ( invisible God and His Word ) planted a garden in Eden”. The next phrase, “there he put the man whom he had formed”. These two phrases are about the visible world that man experiences with his senses of sight, smell, taste, touch, etc. The man ( made of flesh “visible” and the breath of life “invisible”), also known as a living being, sees the garden, which is the visible world that we human beings experience with our senses. We see each other’s flesh and the objects in this universe.

Notice the phrase “whom he had formed” in the first sentence. It didn’t say “created” because the visible realm ( garden in Eden ) that we see came from the invisible creation of our invisible God and His Word. The following phrase, “out of the ground” means the visible things that the living being ( visible human being made of flesh and the breath of life ) sees, smells, tastes, touches and emotionally experiences called this world.

The phrase, “pleasant to the sight and good for food” shows how man’s senses are at work to give him life experiences in this visible world. The flesh is needed to experience these senses.

The phrase, “the tree of life in the midst of the garden” means the “breath of life”, our invisible existence in our invisible God and His Word. So the visible world that we see comes from the invisible world that we can’t see. This is why it says the tree of life in the midst of the garden, which is the visible world we experience.

The phrase, “the tree of the knowledge of good and evil” means the visible world that man’s flesh is a part of and the visible objects that man’s flesh sees and experiences with his other senses of smell, taste, touch and so on.

Let’s go to the next statement ( scripture ) to learn about the tree of the knowledge of good and evil ( the visible world ) and what He told man not to do.

Genesis 2

15 The LORD God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to till it and keep it. 16 And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, “You may freely eat of every tree of the garden; 17 but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall die.”

The phrase, “God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to till it and keep it” means that God’s created man ( breath of life ) was given a visible flesh to experience with his senses, the other objects he lives with in the garden ( the visible world ).

Now God says to man, “You may freely eat of every tree of the garden, but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day you eat of it you shall die.”

This is a very confusing statement because God only planted two different kinds of trees in the garden. One tree called the “tree of life”, which is the invisible man within the invisible God and His invisible Word. The other tree is the “tree of the knowledge of good and evil”, which is the visible world that man sees, smells, tastes, touches, etc.

The first man eventually got distracted by his own flesh and the visible world that he saw himself in, he couldn’t resist the things he saw, smelled, tasted, touched and emotionally experienced from eating of the visible world known as the “tree of the knowledge of good and evil”. Man especially got deceived when he saw his visible female partner by our Creator, who was formed as flesh, also.

The story of Eve coming from the rib of Adam shows that man was created both male and female to exist in one body of flesh called male and the other body of flesh called female. Adam and Eve, male and female, were one created invisible man in the invisible God and His Word.

The offspring ( the flesh ) of Adam and Eve after they mated and produced new flesh in the female body’s womb, should have been one male body and one female body ( one created man ) but this didn’t happen to any offspring for the rest of this first age. So Adam and Eve were the only created man to be formed as one male flesh and one female flesh. All created men after them were put in only one flesh. For this, we have to go to Genesis 4 to see that one invisible man was born in one flesh called Cain.

Genesis 4

4 Now Adam knew Eve his wife, and she conceived and bore Cain, saying, “I have gotten a man with the help of the Lord.” 2 And again, she bore his brother Abel.

As you can see, there was no flesh partner born with Cain or Abel. Cain is one visible flesh but man was created both male and female as we have learned earlier in this study. So what happened to Cain's flesh partner. What happened to Abel's flesh partner?

God commanded Adam and Eve to obey His Voice and His commandment to not eat of the "tree of the knowledge of good and evil" for if they did, they would surely die. This didn't mean that the invisible created man ( breath of life ) would die. It meant that their flesh would die during this age. Let's go to Genesis 3 where Adam and Eve became disobedient to God's Voice and His commandment and what God has to say about it.

Genesis 3

16: To the woman he said, "I will greatly multiply your pain in childbearing; in pain you shall bring forth children, yet your desire shall be for your husband, and he shall rule over you."

17: And to Adam he said, "Because you have listened to the voice of your wife, and have eaten of the tree of which I commanded you, `You shall not eat of it,' cursed is the ground because of you; in toil you shall eat of it all the days of your life;

18: thorns and thistles it shall bring forth to you; and you shall eat the plants of the field.

19: In the sweat of your face you shall eat bread till you return to the ground, for out of it you were taken; you are dust, and to dust you shall return."

20: The man called his wife's name Eve, because she was the mother of all living.

21: And the LORD God made for Adam and for his wife garments of skins, and clothed them.

22: Then the LORD God said, "Behold, the man has become like one of us, knowing good and evil; and now, lest he put forth his hand and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever" --

23: therefore the LORD God sent him forth from the garden of Eden, to till the ground from which he was taken.

24: He drove out the man; and at the east of the garden of Eden he placed the cherubim, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to guard the way to the tree of life.

As you can see, God was disciplining the flesh of man, not the "breath of life" that man was created as. The phrase, "till you return to the ground, for out of it you were taken; you are dust, and to dust you shall return" shows that man's flesh, which was formed from the dust of the ground, would return to the dust of the ground.

In verse 24: the phrase, "he placed the cherubim, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to guard the way to the tree of life" means that the visible world, the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, would blind man from his invisible created existence in our invisible God and His invisible Word.

So from that time on, man was kept from knowing his true existence in God and His Word called the "breath of life", or the "tree of life".

Since created man, made both male and female, was only put in one flesh as we see in the birth of Cain and Abel, the visible offspring of Adam and Eve, then one flesh is both male and female. This explains why we see homosexuality and all the strange looking flesh of God’s people in the visible world ( the tree of the knowledge of good and evil ). This is why some people look masculine but with female mannerisms. Some people look feminine but have masculine mannerisms. And some people are hard to tell if they're male or female. I haven't even begun to explain the various sexual desires these flawed flesh have during this first age.

There are many symbolic names in the Bible for the visible flesh and the objects of this visible world such as Lucifer, satan, devil, the wicked, antichrist, false prophet, the world, the flesh, unrighteous ones, the liar, etc.

Symbolic names found in the Bible for man’s invisible created existence in our invisible Creator and His Word are the breath of life, tree of life, book of life, Kingdom of God, Heaven, Kingdom of Heaven, Christ, Son of God, Zion, Jacob, Holy City, Kingdom of Jesus Christ, Kingdom of the Spirit, Holy Spirit, Counselor, God’s Glory, Mind of God, Mind of Christ, etc.

Symbolic names found in the Bible for our invisible Creator are Lord, God, King, Savior, Majesty, the Holy One, your Redeemer, Creator of Israel, Creator of Jacob, I AM WHOM I AM, etc.

I will put some of these symbolic names into the context of a prophecy to help you understand how God’s prophecies are understood with the knowledge that I have been taught by our Creator that I have shared with you in this writing.

Here’s a written prophecy in the book of Isaiah with several of these symbolic names I’ve used in this writing;

Isaiah 43

1: But now thus says the LORD, he who created you, O Jacob, he who formed you, O Israel: "Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine.

2: When you pass through the waters I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you; when you walk through fire you shall not be burned, and the flame shall not consume you.

3: For I am the LORD your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior. I give Egypt as your ransom, Ethiopia and Seba in exchange for you.

14: Thus says the LORD, your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel: "For your sake I will send to Babylon and break down all the bars, and the shouting of the Chalde'ans will be turned to lamentations.

15: I am the LORD, your Holy One, the Creator of Israel, your King."

The phrase, “he who created you, O Jacob” means the invisible creation of the Word and everything else ( including man and beasts ) that were created invisible in our Creator. Notice the word “created” in this phrase. This is very important to show you that we were created invisible first.

The phrase, “he who formed you, O Israel” means the visible flesh of man.

So the story of Abraham’s son named Jacob, who God changed to the name, Israel, had a symbolic meaning that would be used much later on when God had His prophets Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, etc., write prophecies about the future. The symbolic name “Jacob” means the invisible us that were created by our Creator. The symbolic name “Israel’ came later as God put man in the symbolic Garden ( the visible flesh and objects known as this world ) in Eden. This is why Jacob came before Israel in the story of Abraham and his sons.

With this knowledge that I’ve shared in this writing, you should be able to solve many of the prophecies that were written in the old testament writings that have been handed down through hundreds of generations of the flesh in this first generation of the flesh which will end very soon now. After all us saints ( the Word who became flesh ) are used by our Creator to reveal who we are in His invisible Kingdom called the Word, the first-born of God, this age will end.

Thus, the written Word;

Matthew 24

14: And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world, as a testimony to all nations; and then the end will come.

You just heard the gospel of God’s kingdom being preached to you in this writing as a testimony to all nations. No man has understood that whatever Word that God has me speak, is heard throughout His invisible creation. Now that the 1,000 year reign of Christ is about to end, this generation of flesh will also come to an end.

A New Heaven and Earth is on the horizon after this age has ended.

Here’s what Jeremiah ( the flesh of the Word of God ) was used for by God to write down over 2500 hundred years ago. This prophecy hasn’t happened yet until this generation of flesh has been destroyed by God’s earth. First, I’ll presend the written Word about God using the earth to destroy all flesh, then I’ll show the prophecy about the next generation of God’s people ( Israel ) in their new flesh in Paradise ( the new visible Earth ), also known as the New Jerusalem in many prophecies.

Genesis 6

12: And God saw the earth, and behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted their way upon the earth.

13: And God said to Noah, "I have determined to make an end of all flesh; for the earth is filled with violence through them; behold, I will destroy them with the earth.

17: For behold, I will bring a flood of waters upon the earth, to destroy all flesh in which is the breath of life from under heaven; everything that is on the earth shall die.

( notice the phrase “breath of life” in verse 17., which is our invisible created existence in God)

Jeremiah 31

31: "Behold, the days are coming, says the LORD, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and the house of Judah,

32: not like the covenant which I made with their fathers when I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt, my covenant which they broke, though I was their husband, says the LORD.

33: But this is the covenant which I will make with the house of Israel after those days, says the LORD: I will put my law within them, and I will write it upon their hearts; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.

34: And no longer shall each man teach his neighbor and each his brother, saying, `Know the LORD,' for they shall all know me, from the least of them to the greatest, says the LORD; for I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more."

God bless you all who read this testimony.



