Freeware Rebooted

lundi 8 décembre 2014

The time has finally come to reboot the freeware thread!

After six years I think its safe to assume that many of us have changed our minds on the software that we consider to be the best. Posted Image

The old freeware thread can be found here:


In order to keep this thread useful I purpose a new posting method this time around. When recommending a program I suggest you do it in this format:

-Program name (bold)

-Link to program

-Short description of what the program does

-Reason you like above others/discussion of the program

This way we can keep the thread neat and tidy. I also ask that you try not to post the same programs as everyone else, if you see something in someone's list you can still post about it if you have something else to say about it, but there's not really any reason to have 50 people recommend firefox. It just makes more stuff for people to have to sift through for something new. Also remember that in order for you post not to be deleted the program must be FREE, VIRUS FREE, and USEFUL.

Of course, just like the first thread I will start off with what I use:


Windows Live Essentials(Windows Vista, Windows 7)


-A free suite of programs from microsoft that includes Windows live mail, photo gallery, and movie maker(among many others).

-The before listed three are the ones I use on a daily basis and I would argue that they are the best in class for the various tasks that they accomplish.

I use windows live mail to access my live mail(hotmail account) and it offers free pop3 access that synchs changes with the server so I get the same experience whether I use the client or the web page to check my mail. Movie maker is not the same thing you remember from windows xp, it actually works!Posted Image I use this program to edit the HD videos I shoot with my Kodak ZI8 camera(1080P) and its very simple to use and manipulate videos so that you can get exactly what you want. Movie Maker is also great for creating photo slide shows to send to family members.(add music, transitions, ect).


More to come, this was just to get the ball rolling. Hopefully this thread will last another 6 years!

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