A New Theory And Process For Unwanted Spirit Removal

samedi 7 février 2015

Hello everyone,

I've been popping in and out for at least couple years now, and have on occasion tried to help pass along my own advice as well as the suggestions I've compiled from the other members here. The general idea I've been going by is that the spirits feed on negative energy, and use it to pull off stunts to scare their prey into giving out more and more energy, which they continue to reinvest in a cycle of terror on their victims. (A side theory to that is that they scare you for fun and the slow build up is a theatrical process they've developed over years of terrorizing people).

I've wondered for years how the process of object, house, and personal attachment work, why inviting them in can give them a difficult-to-revoke access to terrorize you, when you might think "couldn't they just walk right in?".

I was talking to an associate about spirits and quantum mechanics, things existing in relation to eachother, etc, and I've developed a theory that makes some sense in regards to these rules. I have a hard time putting to words the exact nature of the concept, its not that I don't think anyone would understand, I just cant process the words to describe it properly, so some of the following may seem incomplete, I'm also not sure if I'm using some of these words right:

A spirit has to be attached to something, because without the anchor it cannot manifest/exist in this plane of existence. Everything has to exist in relation to something else. Lets say you bring home a haunted object, the entity manifests in your space in relation to the object. If you are closed minded, your will is kind of imposed over the objects in your existential space and the spirit is kind of pushed out. It cannot do anything or act in your presence because you do not believe it is there, and it cannot push against and into the domain of your mind to manifest. If you are open minded, the thought that something could be a spirit gives it room in relation to your mind to operate. It gradually makes itself known in baby steps, each step creating a possibility to its existence in your mind, that wedges the door open for it to operate in relation to you.

In other words, it is possible that if you believe in it, it can function, and the belief it creates in your mind kind of makes it exist in your mind, giving it an anchor into you. Its not feeding off your energy to manifest so much as functioning within the limits your mind has opened up for it. Look at exorcisms, blessings, etc, they sometimes take multiple tries, with the creatures being stopped dead for a week but gradually coming back. It could be when you have the ceremony, your mind is creating a placebo effect that says "its been removed" which closes off the space for it to operate out of your mind. It cannot operate because you don't think it can. Perhaps little oddities around the house, popping noises etc, make you worry its coming back, but its not that its coming back so much as jumping at shadows produces room for it to manifest in your mind again, and gradually perform its stunts to wedge itself back in. The second and third exorcism, etc, reinforces the thought that its been removed, plugging up your mind, and closing off it's space to operate.

Things like white-lighting also work because your mind creates a concept that you are being protected, and that belief pushes back on the creature's domain to operate. Bringing natural light into the room and playing positive music/tv help put you into a mood that you believe your words have power, and they in fact do by this logic. I'm not saying its all in your head and these things are your imagination, but that the will of your mind has a certain power over the space that these entities operate from.

If true, then we have power over these creatures simply by believing we have that power, and they cannot operate without you believing they can. I know in ways it sounds absurd, but maybe some of you who are compatible with the logic and more experienced can give it a try? Whats everyone's thoughts on this?

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