Regarding Ghosts: What They Can And Can't Do. Part I

mardi 24 février 2015

Theme From "Ghost Whisperer" by Mark Snow

A ghost can materialize anywhere he or she wants by concentrating on where it wants to be.

Ghosts cannot pick up things. Under duress, in an emotionally charged situation, or in a group they can move things.

Ghosts can affect the temperature of small areas, creating hot spots or cold spots. A good indicator is when the thermostat in a room quickly drops for no reason.

Ghosts can affect electrical currents, i.e. computers, lights, phones and other household electrical devices.

Most children when they are very young can see ghosts.

Most earthbound spirits appear wearing the clothes they were wearing when they died.

Ghosts may manipulate objects that were on their person when they died, but the objects are insubstantial and can't be shared with the living.

Ghosts go into the Light shortly after their issues are resolved.

Ghosts do not cast shadows, nor do they cast reflections.

Ghosts can see other ghosts. ("GET OFF MY TRAIN!")

Ghosts can touch each other.

Ghosts have the ability to pass through solid objects.

New spirits are on a learning curve with their ghost powers.

Ghosts can attend their own funerals and many do!

Ghosts can't physically harm you.

Ghosts can feel the thoughts of the living.To recharge, spirits feed off the energy of the living, especially dark spirits.

Ghosts can recharge their energy by creating chaos with the living.

Ghosts can visit and communicate with you in your dreams.

Ghosts can be sneaky and elusive, appearing out of the corner of your eye.

In the world of the living, a ghost can create an "apport," which is a physical manifestation of something with symbolic significance to the ghost.

Ghosts who stay earthbound are normally scared and confused.

A person's ghost arises at the location where they died.

Ghosts can appear with the wounds and physical manifestations of their death -- although they are not always aware of their deathly appearance.

When I saw Kevin's ghost , he didn't walk with a limp [a result of a broken back from a diving accident] nor did he have any kind of head wound visible as a result of his suicide.)

Initially, a spirit's appearance can be distorted, even scary. Once they start to interact with the living, they begin to look more like they did when alive.

Ghosts do not always retain memories from their experiences in the world of the living.

"Guardians" are spirits responsible for bringing babies to the Light when they do not have someone to meet them.

Ghosts often stay earthbound in order to help a grieving loved one heal and move on with his or her life.

Because of the resentment an earthbound spirit feels about his/her tragic death, the spirit can wreak havoc on the living.

When a person commits suicide, his/her spirit can be stuck between the worlds of the living and the dead.

Note: There are many contradictions concerning what happens to a suicide victim. One theory is the one above. Another is that the person must serve time in Purgatoryuntil the "damage" they did is repaired by doing penance for their sin. The third is a either a permanent or limited time in Hades.

Ghosts can force visions of their death onto the living. If those memories are extremely violent, the person's life can be jeopardized.

Ghosts have no sense of time.

Out of body experiences occur when a person flat-lines and is resuscitated.

Earthbound spirits of children tend to hang out in groups. Adult ghosts typically do not.

Spirits can group together for a common purpose and use the strength of their numbers to interact more powerfully with the world of the living.

A child ghost will often remain earthbound waiting or searching for it's parents.

When a soul crosses over into the Light, the handicaps they had in life are gone. Every soul is perfect.

(YES! That means I can throw these stupid glasses away!)

A ghost who experienced a violent death may relive that experience while trapped as an earthbound spirit.

Ghosts can use infrasound, a frequency that's so low we can't hear it, to make their presence felt.

Ghosts are often confused about the way they died, blaming the wrong people for their death.

When a person is brain dead and on life support, their soul is outside the body, but still tethered to it.

Note: This makes me think of the unfortunate Bobbi Kristina Brown.

Souls are assigned new bodies when they are reincarnated.

Ghosts exhaust their "powers" when they act aggressively.

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