Spirits choose to manifest, you can't make them do it.
Note: This is why you should turn your nose up at Ghost Reality Shows
People who die, even for a short time, and see the Light, always come back changed.
Evil or dark spirits feed on negative emotions (anger, hate, jealousy).
Spirits can be visible in photographs because cameras detect a broader spectrum of energy than the human eye.
Ghost visits can be triggered by a birth, death, or special holiday.
Ghosts may appear as a younger version of themselves.
Sometimes a ghost doesn't initially realize he/she is dead.
The power of love is often strong enough to save even an angry, vengeful earthbound spirit.
Animal spirits can be earthbound.
Animals (particularly dogs and cats) can sense the presence of a ghost.
Ghosts can appear under water.
Ghosts can create visions for empaths.
A ghost might need the living to help it sort out the mystery of his/her death.
A ghost can manifest in strange and unexpected places, like dollhouses, if that's where it's unfinished business is.
As ghost's memories begin to return, many times recollections come in waves.
In the case of twins, when one is living and the other's dead, the ghost twin tries to reconnect with the living twin through thoughts or shared memories.
Beware of ghost stories like Bloody Mary or Resurrection Mary, because sometimes, they can conjure up ghosts.
There is no limit on how long a spirit can be earthbound.
Never fool around with occult objects such as Ouija Boards. They are not toys! They can create unexpected and unwanted ghost activity.
Spirits do exist in the Underworld.
If a person is passionate about something in life, they will be passionate about it in death.
There is a unique group of ghosts from the spirit world that connects with children -- they are known as 'Shinies'.
An earthbound spirit can look as robust as the living.
Ghosts can possess the living to do 'automatic writing ' which helps get their messages across.
Ghosts can communicate through Electronic Voice Phenomena -- known as 'white noise '.
Ghosts can remain earthbound until their unfinished business on Earth is concluded or resolved.
Not every earthbound ghost is destined to cross into the Light. Some go....Elsewhere.
Ghosts can appear as auras, a subtle, pervasive atmosphere seen emanating from an object or place.
A ghost can make the inhabitants of a house it is haunting feel weak and sick.
The living can hear noisy ghosts.
A ghost can attach itself to a living person whom it believes it will have a future connection through reincarnation.
Ghosts can follow their passion even in death.
Ghost children might remain banded together if they perished together.
Ghosts can become restless if their bodies are not laid to rest in accordance with their desires.
Ghosts play practical jokes on the living.
Ghosts cannot take the living into the Light.
An earthbound spirit of a child may follow a living child home to play.
Some earthbound spirits will attach themselves to their belongings, including a favorite charm or piece of jewelry.
Note: Some of these items might be found in Antique Shops.
Earthbound spirits get a lot of energy from crowds of people, i.e. hospitals, police precincts, and malls.
Ghosts don't usually hang around cemeteries because there is very little living energy there.
Love never dies.
Note: This is why you should turn your nose up at Ghost Reality Shows
People who die, even for a short time, and see the Light, always come back changed.
Evil or dark spirits feed on negative emotions (anger, hate, jealousy).
Spirits can be visible in photographs because cameras detect a broader spectrum of energy than the human eye.
Ghost visits can be triggered by a birth, death, or special holiday.
Ghosts may appear as a younger version of themselves.
Sometimes a ghost doesn't initially realize he/she is dead.
The power of love is often strong enough to save even an angry, vengeful earthbound spirit.
Animal spirits can be earthbound.
Animals (particularly dogs and cats) can sense the presence of a ghost.
Ghosts can appear under water.
Ghosts can create visions for empaths.
A ghost might need the living to help it sort out the mystery of his/her death.
A ghost can manifest in strange and unexpected places, like dollhouses, if that's where it's unfinished business is.
As ghost's memories begin to return, many times recollections come in waves.
In the case of twins, when one is living and the other's dead, the ghost twin tries to reconnect with the living twin through thoughts or shared memories.
Beware of ghost stories like Bloody Mary or Resurrection Mary, because sometimes, they can conjure up ghosts.
There is no limit on how long a spirit can be earthbound.
Never fool around with occult objects such as Ouija Boards. They are not toys! They can create unexpected and unwanted ghost activity.
Spirits do exist in the Underworld.
If a person is passionate about something in life, they will be passionate about it in death.
There is a unique group of ghosts from the spirit world that connects with children -- they are known as 'Shinies'.
An earthbound spirit can look as robust as the living.
Ghosts can possess the living to do 'automatic writing ' which helps get their messages across.
Ghosts can communicate through Electronic Voice Phenomena -- known as 'white noise '.
Ghosts can remain earthbound until their unfinished business on Earth is concluded or resolved.
Not every earthbound ghost is destined to cross into the Light. Some go....Elsewhere.
Ghosts can appear as auras, a subtle, pervasive atmosphere seen emanating from an object or place.
A ghost can make the inhabitants of a house it is haunting feel weak and sick.
The living can hear noisy ghosts.
A ghost can attach itself to a living person whom it believes it will have a future connection through reincarnation.
Ghosts can follow their passion even in death.
Ghost children might remain banded together if they perished together.
Ghosts can become restless if their bodies are not laid to rest in accordance with their desires.
Ghosts play practical jokes on the living.
Ghosts cannot take the living into the Light.
An earthbound spirit of a child may follow a living child home to play.
Some earthbound spirits will attach themselves to their belongings, including a favorite charm or piece of jewelry.
Note: Some of these items might be found in Antique Shops.
Earthbound spirits get a lot of energy from crowds of people, i.e. hospitals, police precincts, and malls.
Ghosts don't usually hang around cemeteries because there is very little living energy there.
Love never dies.
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