I'm new!

vendredi 21 mars 2014

Hello, I enjoy licking Blow Pops "Blue Raspberry" while snorkeling in the New Jersey waste management facility.

Giving myself a saline drip I.V. into my scrotum because my penis is malnourished is another hobby of mine also.

Other activities include but not limited to:

  • Spiking my alcoholic beverages with Rohypnol while sleep walking. I've found it quite difficult keeping my hands off of myself.

  • Smashing my face into wooden cylindrical objects on a bimonthly basis to keep current on the perspective of bowling balls.

  • Ingesting medium quantities of Strychnine, Asbestos, Silica sand and Thallium mixed in a shot glass with liquefied Zyklon B, that's given to me by a 6'7 Jewish man named Vilhem Von Klassen-burg, who likes to be called Amelia Earhart.

  • Being periodically tasered by random law enforcement agencies from around the world.

among other things.

I'm currently a homeless magician living off noodles, butter, olive oil and Nehi Peach Soda.

Founder of: The Dish-towel Mafia™

Thank you for taking the time to learn a little bit about me and I hope to talk with you very soon.




You ever see those infomercials on vacuum-sealing food? You know....those ones you watch at 2:45 in the morning, naked and eating an entire box of Little Debbie Swiss rolls? Not because you particularly like them, and you'd rather have some cosmic brownies (also by LD) but because it's the only thing available in the house and you don't want to get up and drive 5.8 miles to the truck stop next to the Interstate to grab BAR-B-Q Fritos, Cinnamon rolls and a Slurpee because that prostitute Candy Jenkins is always asking you for $7 dollars and you have to roll whatever loose change you have in your pocket in the opposite direction to make her chase after it so you can get away?

Yeah, me too, ALL the time.

Just checking.


Post postscript: Most of the above is partially untrue.

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