Another Stupid American Government Story

samedi 22 mars 2014

Among the world's governments, few are demonstrably as stupid, dumb, and harmful to its citizens as the American one. The latest example is Cocaine use is going to pot: Drug users spend $100 billion a year on illegal drugs; taxpayers, $200 billion .

Only in America would such insanity be tolerated. Sure, other nations--usually due to the pressure and coercion of the dumb and dumber American government--have idiotic drug laws, but no government approaches this level of blatant stupidity and harm.


Law-abiding Americans who’ve never touched an illegal drug in their lives should be concerned, Kilmer says. U.S. taxpayers end up picking up the bill, paying approximately $200 billion a year — or double the $100 billion drug users themselves spend annually on illicit drugs — for police, health, crime and incarceration costs associated with illegal drug activity...

And, don't even get me started on the moronic and destructive practice of incarcerating hundreds of thousands of people (mostly black and Latino) for years on end for non-violent drug crimes.

There is no government, I submit, apart from, perhaps, North Korea and a few other regimes run by megalomaniacal despots, as stupid as the American government.

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