Flash: dépasser la version 11.2

mercredi 2 septembre 2015


Pour ne pas avoir des messages d'erreurs à tout va dans son ~/.xsession-errors j'ai vu qu'il fallait en option, mettre dans son ~/.config un fichier de configuration freshwrapper.conf  et le modifier à sa sauce.

Exemple : (perso)

# whenever to automatically connect application ports to system ones.
# If you set this to one, no sound would be produces until you make
# connection some way
#jack_autoconnect_ports = 1

# JACK server name. Omit the option to use default value
# jack_server_name = "default"

# starts JACK server on demand
#jack_autostart_server = 1

# Path to the Pepper Flash plugin.
# If the option is absent, freshwrapper will search for Pepper Flash in
# a number of location where it could be. Usually that's enough, but if
# not, you should manually enter the right path. Multiple paths could
# be specified, separated by colon.
pepperflash_path = "~/.mozilla/plugins/libpepflashplayer.so"

# "Command-line" arguments for Flash
flash_command_line = "enable_hw_video_decode=1,enable_stagevideo_auto=1"

# enable 3d and stage 3d
enable_3d = 1

# enable hardware-accelerated video decoding. Requires 3d to really work
enable_hwdec = 0

# when set to 1, limits output to warnings and errors only
quiet = 0

# When multiple monitors with different resolutions are used, size
# of fullscreen window can vary. But some Flash movies request these
# parameters once at startup and rely on them to be correct. By default,
# if zeros are used here, freshwrapper will select minimal width and
# height across all monitors.
fullscreen_width = 0
fullscreen_height = 0

# Enables DNS query case randomization to partially protect against DNS
# poisoning attacks. It was reported that some Mikrotik routers do not
# support this trick. Set parameter to 0 if you have an affected model
randomize_dns_case = 0

# scaling factor (floating point value) used to convert screen pixels
# to device independent pixels. You may need it for displays with
# high DPI
device_scale = 1

# method org.freedesktop.ScreenSaver.SimulateUserActivity() in KDE 5 seems
# to have no effect unless GetSessionIdleTime() called afterwards. Set
# parameter to 1 to call latter
quirk_plasma5_screensaver = 0

# whenever to use windowed plugin mode
enable_windowed_mode = 1

# whenever XEmbed used in windowed mode (if browser advertises its support)
enable_xembed = 1

# if set to 1, fullscreen window will be kept always above browser, and hidden
# from taskbar and pager
tie_fullscreen_window_to_browser = 1

# enable using of VA-API for hardware accelerated video decoding
enable_vaapi = 1

# enable using of VDPAU for hardware accelerated video decoding
enable_vdpau = 1

# microseconds to wait after vsync event
vsync_afterwait_us = 0

# fullscreen transition delay, in milliseconds
fs_delay_ms = 300

# wait for vertical blank event before drawing on screen
enable_vsync = 1

Effectivement plus de message d'erreurs.

mise à part le fameux message connu et toujours présent hmm

GLib-CRITICAL **: g_slice_set_config: assertion 'sys_page_size == 0' failed

Flash: dépasser la version 11.2

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